
作者: 时间:2023-10-07 点击数:










2004.09-2008.07   东北农业大学(211)  资源与环境学院  环境科学  理学学士  

2009.09-2012.07   东北农业大学(211)  资源与环境学院  生态学    理学硕士  

2012.09-2015.07   中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所   生态学    理学博士  

2014.08-2015.08   美国加州大学戴维斯分校               土壤学    联合培养  







1. 气候变化耦合氮添加多因子对黑土碳循环的影响及其生物学调控机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023-202653万,主持)  

2. 东北黑土有机质稳定的矿物学机制(国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017-201924万元,结题,主持),  

3. 矿物保护与激发效应对东北黑土有机质稳定性的影响(黑龙江省自然科学基金,2018-20215万元,结题,主持)  

4. 黑土有机碳稳定性及其阈值形成机制(中国科学院基础前沿科学研究计划01”原始创新项目,2019-202350万元,在研,课题主持)  

5. 不同肥力黑土自然恢复能力研究(中国科学院黑土区农业生态重点实验室开放基金2020-202435万元,在研,主持)  


1. Dai ShanShan, He·Peng, You MengYang, Li LuJun, 2023. The presence of soybean, but not soybean cropping frequency has influence on SOM priming in crop rotation systems. Plant and Soil, 487, 511-520. 中国科学院分区二区top

2. You Mengyang, Zhu-Barker Xia, Doane Timothy A., Horwath William R., 2021. Decomposition of carbon adsorbed on iron (III)-treated clays and their effect on the stability of soil organic carbon and external carbon inputs. Biogeochemistry, 157, 259-271. 中国科学院分区二区  

3. You Mengyang, He Peng, Dai Shan-Shan, Burger Martin, Li Lu-Jun, 2021. Priming effect of stable C pool in soil and its temperature sensitivity. Geoderma, 401, 115216. 中国科学院分区一区top  

4. You Mengyang, Zhu-Barker Xia, Hao Xiangxiang, Li Lu-Jun, 2021. Profile distribution of soil organic carbon and its isotopic value following long term land-use changes. Catena, 207, 105623. 中国科学院分区一区top  

5. You Mengyang, Li Lu-Jun, Tian Qing, He Peng, He Guiping, Hao Xiang-Xiang, Horwath William R., 2020. Residue decomposition and priming of soil organic carbon following different NPK fertilizer histories. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84, 1898-1909.中国科学院分区三区  

6. You Mengyang, Han Xiaozeng, Hu Ning, Du Shuli, Doane Timothy A., Li Lu-Jun, 2020. Profile storage and vertical distribution (0-150 cm) of soil inorganic carbon in croplands in northeast China. Catena, 185, 104302. 中国科学院分区一区top  

7. You Mengyang, Han Xiaozeng, Chen Xu, Yan Jun, Li Na, Zou Wenxiu, Lu Xinchun, Li Yong, Horwath William R., 2019. Effect of reduction of aggregate size on the priming effect in a Mollisol under different soil managements. European Journal of Soil Science, 70, 765-775. 中国科学院分区二区  

8. You Mengyang, Li Na, Zou Wenxiu, Han Xiaozeng, Burger Martin, 2017. Increase in soil organic carbon in a Mollisol following simulated initial development from parent material. European Journal of Soil Science, 68, 39-47. 中国科学院分区二区  

9. Li Na, You Mengyang, Zhang Bin, Han Xiaozeng, Panakoulia S.K.,Yuan Yaru, 2017. Modeling soil aggregation at the early pedogenesis stage from the parent material of a Mollisol under different agricultural practices. Advances in Agronomy, 141, 181-214. 中国科学院分区二区共同一作  

10. You Mengyang, Burger Martin, Li Lu-Jun, Zou Wenxiu, Li Na, Qiao Yunfa, Han Xiaozeng. 2014. Changes in soil organic carbon and carbon fractions under different land use and management practices after development from parent material of Mollisols. Soil Science, 179, 205–210. 中国科学院分区四区  

11. You Mengyang, Yuan Yaru, Li Lu-Jun#, Xu Yanli, Han Xiaozeng, 2014. Soil CO2 emissions as affected by 20-year continuous cropping in Mollisols. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13, 615–623. 中国科学院分区二区  

12. Li Lu-Jun, You Mengyang, Shi Hongai, Ding Xueli, Qiao Yunfa, Han Xiaozeng, 2013. Soil CO2 emissions from a cultivated Mollisol: effects of organic amendments, soil temperature, and moisture. European Journal of Soil Biology, 55, 83-90. 中国科学院分区二区共同一作  

13. Li Na, Yao Shuihong, Qiao Yunfa, Zou Wenxiu, You Mengyang, Han Xiaozeng, Zhang Bin#, 2015. Separation of soil microbial community structure by aggregate size to a large extent under agricultural practices during early pedogenesis of a Mollisol. Applied Soil Ecology, 88, 9-20. 中国科学院分区二区  

14. Li Na, Yao Shuihong, You Mengyang, Zhang Yanling, Qiao Yunfa, Zou Wenxiu, Han Xiaozeng, Zhang Bin, 2014. Contrasting development of soil microbial community structure under no-tilled perennial and tilled cropping during early pedogenesis of a Mollisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 77, 221-232. 中国科学院分区一区top  

15. Qiao Yunfa, Miao Shujie, Han Xiaozeng, You Mengyang, Zhu Xia, Horwath William R., 2014. The effect of fertilizer practices on n balance and global warming potential of maize–soybean–wheat rotations in northeastern China. Field Crops Research, 161, 98-106. 中国科学院分区一区top  

16. Li Lu-Jun, Han Xiaozeng, You Mengyang, Horwath William R., 2013. Nitrous oxide emissions from Mollisols as affected by long-term applications of organic amendments and chemical fertilizers. Science of the Total Environment, 452-453, 302-308. 中国科学院分区一区top  


担任Frontiers in Environmental Science期刊的审稿专家。围绕气候变化及人类活动对土壤有机质的影响参与组织专刊,并撰写论文评述。  

You Mengyang, Liu Xiao Jun Allen, Li Lu-Jun, 2021. Editorial: Climate change and anthropogenic impacts on soil organic matter. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 811735.  

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