
作者: 时间:2023-10-07 点击数:


7884唐进峰 博士  












2017/06—2021/01       太阳成集团tyc7111cc,环境工程系,讲师

2021/01—至今          太阳成集团tyc7111cc,环境工程系,副教授



1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,强化浸出-顺次多级萃取回收飞灰中铜锌的界面反应及迁移机制研究,2019.01-2021.12, 项目主持  

2. 广东省科技厅国际合作专项,林可霉素废水生物处理系统中微生物群落的解析与合成研究 2023.01-2025.12, 项目主持  

3. 广州市科技厅市校联合项目 发酵类抗生素废水生物处理系统中微生物群落的解析与合成研究 2020.01-2022.12,项目主持  



主要从事固体废物资源化利用、危废的无害化处理、工业废水的综合处理,以及相关的经济和环境评估。在近年的工作中,在城市生活垃圾资源化利用方面取得了重要成绩。设计了城市生活垃圾焚烧后飞灰的全流程最终产物无害化体系,开展了动力电池材料回收的流程设计等。并基于蒙特卡洛模拟、生命周期评估,以及大湾区的统计数据,对相关研究进行了经济和环境的不确定性评估。主持国家青年基金、广东省基金和广州市科技计划等多项科研项目。发表论文50余篇,一作通讯(含共)30余篇;申请和授权专利10余项;担任Frontiers in Environmental ScienceFrontiers in Microbiology Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry 客座副主编和专刊主编。  


(1) Tang, J., Dong, S., Feng, Q., Su, M., Wei, Y., Liang, J., Zhang, H., Huang, L., Kong, L., Wang, N., Xiao, E., Liu, Y., Tang, X., Xiao, T., 2022. Optimizing critical metals recovery and correlative decontamination from MSWI fly ash: Evaluation of an integrating two-step leaching hydrometallurgical process. Journal of Cleaner Production 368, 133017.  

(2) Tang, J., Su, M.*, Peng, H., Shi, Q., Chen, D., Wang, N., Xiao, E., Huang, L., Zhang, H.*, Xiao, T., Assessment of heavy metals mobility and correlative recovery and decontamination from MSWI fly ash: Mechanism and hydrometallurgical process evaluation, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 145050  

(3) Li, Y., Fu, L., Li, X., Wang, Y., Wei, Y.*, Tang, J.*, Liu, H., Novel strains with superior degrading efficiency for lincomycin manufacturing biowaste. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 111802  

 (4)  Tang, J., Su, M., Wei, L., Wei, Y., Liang, J., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., 2020. Comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness on metals recovery and decontamination from MSWI fly ash by an integrating hydrometallurgical process in Guangzhou. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 138809.  

(5)   Liang, J., Mai, W., Tang, J.*, Wei, Y.*., Performance and microbial communities of a novel integrated industrial-scale pulp and paper wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Cleaner Production 278, 123896.  

(6) Tang, J., Su, M., Wu, Q., Wei, L., Wang, N., Xiao, E., Zhang, H., Wei, Y., Liu, Y., Ekberg, C., Steenari, B.-M., Xiao, T., 2019. Highly efficient recovery and clean-up of four heavy metals from MSWI fly ash by integrating leaching, selective extraction and adsorption. Journal of Cleaner Production 234, 139-149.  

(7) Liang, J., Mai, W., Tang, J.*, Wei, Y.*, 2019. Highly effective treatment of petrochemical wastewater by a super-sized industrial scale plant with expanded granular sludge bed bioreactor and aerobic activated sludge. Chemical Engineering Journal 360, 15-23.  

(8) Tang, J., Wei, L., Su, M., Zhang, H., Chang, X., Liu, Y., Wang, N., Xiao, E., Ekberg, C., Steenari, B.-M., Xiao, T., 2018. Source analysis of municipal solid waste in a mega-city (Guangzhou): Challenges or opportunities? Waste Management & Research 36(12), 1166-1176.  

(9) Tang, J., Ylmén, R., Petranikova, M., Ekberg, C., Steenari, B.-M., 2018. Comparative study of the application of traditional and novel extractants for the separation of metals from MSWI fly ash leachates. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 143-154.  

(10) Tang, J., Su, M., Zhang, H., Xiao, T., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Wei, L., Ekberg, C., Steenari, B.-M., 2018a. Assessment of copper and zinc recovery from MSWI fly ash in Guangzhou based on a hydrometallurgical process. Waste Management 76, 225-233.  

(11) Tang, J., Petranikova, M., Ekberg, C., Steenari, B.-M., 2017. Mixer-settler system for the recovery of copper and zinc from MSWI fly ash leachates: An evaluation of a hydrometallurgical process. Journal of Cleaner Production 148, 595-605.  

(12) Tang, J., Steenari, B.-M., 2016. Leaching optimization of municipal solid waste incineration ash for resource recovery: A case study of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd. Waste Management 48, 315-322.  

(13) Tang, J., Steenari, B.-M., 2015. Solvent extraction separation of copper and zinc from MSWI fly ash leachates. Waste Management 44, 147-154.  


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