
作者: 时间:2023-10-08 点击数:














2021-至今 太阳成集团tyc7111cc 副院长

2017-至今 太阳成集团tyc7111cc 副教授 环境工程

2015-2016 香江学者计划交流(香港大学) 生态学

2013-2014 华南理工大学在站博士后研究员 环境工程

2008-2012 荷兰奈梅亨大学 博士学位 微生物

2005-2008 华南理工大学 硕士学位 环境工程

2001-2005 华南理工大学 学士学位 环境工程



1. 太阳成集团tyc7111cc-香港科技大学联合研究专项:农业废弃物生物能源化高效利用成套技术研发,20万,2023-2025;

2. 太阳成集团tyc7111cc校级人才培育项目:高硫低碳脱硫废水生物资源化关键集成技术及应用(RC2023023),3万,2023-2024

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:种间电子传递强化硫铁耦合厌氧氨氧化脱氮过程机制研究52270065),54 万,2023-2026;

4. 广州市科技市校联合项目:微生物电催化还原二氧化碳原位提升餐厨垃圾发酵甲烷产量过程机制研究30 万,2023-2025;

5. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:协同净化沼气沼液的脱硫反硝化耦合厌氧氨氧化工艺构建及其机制研究,10 万,2021-2023;

6. 广州市教育局产学研结合项目:高硫低碳脱硫废水与餐厨垃圾协同处理工艺的示范与应用,20 万,2021-2022;

7. 广州市科技计划珠江科技新星项目:处理含氨废气的一体式湿法生物脱氮系统的研发,30 万,2018-2020;

8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:同步硝化厌氧氨氧化反硝化湿法生物处理高氨废气的机理研究(51708142),24.0 万,2018-2020;

9. 香江学者交流项目:红树林湿地生态系统中厌氧氨氧化细菌的系统发育多样性和丰度(30 万人民币+30 万港币),2015-2017;

10. 留学回国人员科研启动基金项目:氨氮污染下珠江入海口氮循环微生态特性研究(3 万),2015-2016;

11. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:氨氮污染下珠江入海口氮循环微生物生态结构与相互作用(15 万),2014-2016;

12. 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开发基金:深度处理造纸废水的MBR 反应器中微生物组成结构与膜污染相互关系研究(2 万),2013-2014;

13. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:氨氮污染下珠江入海口氮循环微生态特性研究(5 万),2013-2014;

14. 中央直属高校课题基金:氨氮污染下珠江入海口氮循环微生物生理生态特性研究(5 万),2013-2014;


1. C.Y., Diao, W.Z., Ye, J., Yan*, T.W., Hao, L., Huang, Y.H., Chen, J.Y., Long, T.F., Xiao, H.G., Zhang, 2023. Application of microbial sulfate-reduction process for sulfate-laden wastewater treatment: A review. J. Water Process Eng. 52, 103537.

2. S.M., Yang, F., Luo, J., Yan*, T.L., Zhang, Z.Y., Xian, W.Y., Huang, H.G., Zhang, Y.J., Cao, L., Huang, 2023. Biogas production of food waste with in-situ sulfide control under high organic loading in two-stage anaerobic digestion process: Strategy and response of microbial community. Bioresour. Technol. 373, 128712.

3. H.J., Wen, J., Yan*, L.Y., Wu, X.Y., Chang, W.Z., Ye, H.G., Zhang, L., Huang, T.F., Xiao, 2023. Desulfurization of hydrophilic and hydrophobic volatile reduced sulfur with elemental sulfur production in denitrifying bioscrubber. Chemosphere 316, 137806.

4. J.L., Cui, J.S., Yang, M., Weber, J., Yan, R.H., Li, T.S., Chan, Y., Jiang, T.F., Xiao, X.Y., Li, X.D., Li*, 2023. Phosphate interactions with iron-titanium oxide composites: Implications for phosphorus removal/recovery from wastewater. Water Res. 234, 119804.

5. J., Yan, F., Luo, L.Y., Wu, Y.L., Ou, C.C., Gong, T.W., Hao, L., Huang, Y.H., Chen, J.Y., Long, T.F. Xiao, H.G., Zhang*, 2022. Cost-effective desulfurization of acid mine drainage with food waste as an external carbon source: A pilot-scale and long-term study. J. Clean. Prod. 361, 132174.

6. J., Yan, S.N., Liu, M., Bao, J.H., Xie, J.B., Yang, Q.N., Zheng, Xun Lin, J.J., Li, Q.H., Lu, S.G., Li*, H.G., Zhang*, 2022. Desulphurization of FGD wastewater through bacterial sulfate reduction process with agricultural incineration bottom ash as an amendment. J. Water Procss Eng. 47, 102689.

7. J. Xie, J., Yan, H. He, D., Lin, Y., Chen, Y., Li, X., Huang, H.G., Zhang, 2021. Evaluation of the key factors to dominate aerobic ammonia-oxidizing archaea in wastewater treatment plant. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr. 164, 105289.

8. Yan, J., Ye, W.Z., Liang, X.S., Wang, S.J., Xie, J., Zhong, K., Bao, M., Yang, J.B., Wen, H., Li, S., Chen, Y., Gu, JD., Zhang, H.G., 2020. Enhanced reduction of sulfate and chromium under sulfate-reducing condition by synergism between extracellular polymeric substances and graphene oxide. Environ. Res. 183, 109157.

9. Yan, J., Liu, J., Ye, W.Z., W.H., Yuan, Lin, J.L., Xie, J.H., Huang, X., Jiehui Xie, Bao, M., Yang, J.B., Liu, S.N., Chen, W.Z., Chen, Y.H., Zhang, H.G., 2020. Enhanced organic compounds utilization and desalination of coal-fired power plant FGD wastewater by mixed bacterial sulphate reducing consortium. Biochem. Eng. J. 159, 107549.

10. Yan, J., Wen, H.J., Li, Q.Q., Wang, S.J., Xie, J.H., Chen, M.P., Li, J.Y., Zhang, H.G., Hong, Y.G., 2020. Enhanced elemental sulfur recovery and nitrogen removal through coupling of sulfide-dependent denitrification and anammox processes during ammonium- and sulfide-laden waste stream treatment. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr. 155, 105086.

11. Yan, J., Wang, S.J., Wu, L.Y., Xie, J.H., Wen, H.J., Luo, F., Zhang, H.G., Hong, Y.G., 2020. Long-term ammonia gas biofiltration through simultaneous nitrification, anammox and denitrification process with limited N2O emission and negligible leachate production. J. Clean. Prod. 270, 122406.

12. Zhang, H.G., Su, M.H., Li, M., Yan, J., Tang, J.F., Gong, C.C., Chen, D.Y., Xiao, T.F., Chen, Y.H., 2019. Efficient removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solution by novel PVA-sodium alginate immobilized sulfate reducing bacteria, Desalin. Water. Treat. 138, 280-290.

13. Yan, J., Yuan, W.H., Liu, J., Ye, W.Z., Lin, J.L., Xie, J.H., Huang, X., Gao, S.S., Xie, J.H., Liu, S.N., Chen, W.Z., Zhang, H.G. 2019. An integrated process of chemical precipitation and sulfate reduction for treatment of flue gas desulphurization wastewater from coal-fired power plant. J. Clean. Prod. 228, 63-72.

14. Yan, J., Xie, J.H., Wang, S.J., Zhang, H.G., Wu, J.P., Hong, Y.G., 2019. Evaluation of nitrogen removal processes and microbial communities in eight full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants. Appl. Environ. Biotechnol. 4, 49-59.

15. Yan, J., Wang, S.J., Zhong, K.Q., Hu, H.S., Chen, Z.X., Jian, Z.Y., Wen, H.J., Zhang, H.G., 2019. Simultaneously heterotrophic sulfate reduction and heavy metal removal by a novel metal-resistant sulfate-reducing bacterium: mechanism and optimization. Desalin. Water. Treat. 168, 88-99.

16. Zhong, K.Q., Li, M., Yang, Y., Zhang, H.G., Zhang, B.P., Tang, J.F., Yan, J., Su, M.H., Yang, Z.Q., 2019. Nitrogen-doped biochar derived from watermelon rind as oxygen reduction catalyst in air cathode microbial fuel cells. Appl. Energy 242, 516-525.

17. Zhong, K.Q., Huang, L.Z., Li, M., Dai, Y., Wang, Y., Zuo, J.L., Zhang, H.G., Tang, J.F., Yan, J., Su, M.H., 2019. Cobalt/nitrogen-Co-doped nanoscale hierarchically porous composites derived from octahedral metal-organic framework for efficient oxygen reduction in microbial fuel cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 44, 30127-30140

18. Yan, J., Ye, W.Z., Jian, Z.Y., Xie, J.H., Zhong, K.Q., Wang, S.J., Hu, H.S., Chen, Z.X., Wen, H.J., Zhang, H.G., 2018. Enhanced sulfate and metal removal by reduced graphene oxide self-assembled Enterococcus avium sulfate-reducing bacteria particles. Bioresour. Technol. 266, 447-453.

19. Yan, J., Zhong, K.Q., Wang, S.J., Chen, Z.X., Hu, H.S., Jian, Z.Y., Wen, H.J., Zhang, H.G., 2018. Carbon metabolism and sulfate respiration by a non-conventional Citrobacter freundii strain SR10 with potential application in removal of metals and metalloids. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr. 133, 238-246.

20. Liu, S., Chen, J., Yan, J.*, Hu, Y.Y., Zhou, D.F., Conversion Mechanisms of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in Ozone-Fixed-Bed and Membrane Bioreactors for Deep Treatment of Municipal Tail Water. Environ. Engineer. Sci. 2017, 34(8):562-568.

21. Chen, J., Liu, S., Yan, J.*, Wen, J., Hu, Y., Zhang, W., Intensive removal efficiency and mechanisms of carbon and ammonium in municipal wastewater treatment plant tail water by ozone oyster shells fix-bed bioreactor-membrane bioreactor combined system. Ecol. Engineer. 2017, 101:75-83.

22. Li, M., Zhang, H.G., Xiao, T.F., Zhang, B.P., Yan, J., Chen, D.Y., Chen, Y.H., 2017. Rose flower-like nitrogen-doped NiCo2O4/carbon used as cathode electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction in air cathode microbial fuel cell. Electrochimica Acta. 258, 1219-1227.

23. Qian Guo, J., Yan, Junjie Wen, Yongyou Hu, Wenjin Wua, Yuanbo Chen, 2016. Rhamnolipid-enhanced aerobic biodegradation of triclosan (TCS) by indigenous microorganisms in water-sediment systems, Science of the Total Environment, 571,1304-1311.

24. Y ChenY HuQ GuoJ. YanW Wu, 2016. Effect of cations on the solubilization/deposition of triclosan in sediment-water-rhamnolipid system. Chemosphere, 2016, 159: 465-472.

25. Wenjin Wu, Yongyou Hu, Qian Guo, J., Yan, Yuancai Chen, Jianhua Cheng. 2015. Sorption/desorption behavior of triclosan in sediment–water–rhamnolipid systems: Effects of pH, ionic strength, and DOM. Journal of hazardous materials, 2015, 297: 59.

26. Zhu GL, Yan J., Hu YY., 2014. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation in polyvinyl alcohol and sodium alginate immobilized biomass system: a potential tool to maintain anammox biomass in applicationWater Science &Technology, 69(4), 718-726. 

27. Langone M, Yan J, Haaijer S. C.M., Op den Camp H. J. M., Jetten, M. S. M., 2014. Andreottola G. Co-existence of Nitrifying, Anammox and Denitrifying bacteria in a sequencing batch reactor. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5(2):28-28.

28. van de Vossenberg J, Woebken D, Maalcke WJ, Wessels HJ, Dutilh BE, Kartal B, Janssen-Megens EM, Roeselers G, Yan J, Speth D, Gloerich J, Geerts W, van der Biezen E, Pluk W, Francoijs KJ, Russ L, Lam P, Malfatti SA, Tringe SG, Haaijer SCM, Op den Camp HJ, Stunnenberg HG, Amann R, Kuypers MM, Jetten MSM., 2013. The metagenome of the marine anammox bacterium “Candidatus Scalindua profunda” illustrates the versatility of this globally important nitrogen cycle bacterium. Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports, 15(5):1275-89.

29. J Yan, Huub J.M. Op den Camp, Laura van Niftrik, David Stahl, Martin Könnecke, Darci Rush, Jaap S. S Damsté, Mike S.M. Jetten, Yong Y. Hu, Suzanne C.M.Haaijer., 2012. Mimicking the oxygen minimum zones: stimulating interaction of aerobic archaeal and anaerobic bacterial ammonia oxidizers in a laboratory-scale model system. Environmental Microbiology, 14(12), 3146–3158.

30. J Yan, Huub C, Mike J, YY Hu & Suzanne CM., 2010. Induced cooperation between marine nitrifiers and anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria by incremental exposure to oxygen. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 33: 407-415.

31. Yan J, Jetten M, Rang JL& Hu YY., 2010. Comparison of the effects of different salts on aerobic ammonia oxidizers for treating ammonium-rich organic wastewater by free and sodium alginate immobilized biomass system. Chemosphere 81:669-673.

32. Hu BL, Zheng P, Tang CJ, Chen JW, van der Biezen E, Zhang L, Ni BJ, Jetten MS, Yan J, Yu HQ, and Kartal B., 2010. Identification and quantification of anammox bacteria in eight nitrogen removal reactors. Water Research 44: 5014-5020.

33. Yan J & Hu YY., 2009. Partial nitrification to nitrite for treating ammonium-rich organic wastewater by immobilized biomass system. Bioresource Technology 100: 2341-2347. IF:4.35

34. Yan J & Hu YY., 2009. Comparison of partial nitrification to nitrite for ammonium-rich organic wastewater in sequencing batch reactors and continuous stirred-tank reactor at laboratory-scale. Water Science and Technology 60: 2861-2868.



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2. 一种Fe@SiO2催化剂及其制备方法与应用,发明专利,ZL202011055884.2

3. 一种含氨废气处理装置,实用新型专利,ZL202022829389.4

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8. 脱硫废水的电化学处理装置,发明专利,ZL201410771144.7

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2021 2020-2021学年太阳成集团tyc7111cc本科教学优秀奖二等奖

2020 2019-2020学年太阳成集团tyc7111cc本科教学优秀奖二等奖

2019 2018-2019学年太阳成集团tyc7111cc本科教学优秀奖一等奖

2017 年中国电力创新奖技术类二等奖

2015 年湛江市科技进步一等奖

2012 年广东省优秀硕士论文奖

2012 年度华南理工大学优秀硕士论文奖



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