
作者: 时间:2017-11-23 点击数:



















1. 地质高背景区铊的表生富集机理与环境影响效应研究,排名第七,国家自然科学基金重点项目,批准号41830753,执行时间2019-2023

2. 矿山重金属污染土壤植物提取修复的渗漏风险及其地下水环境影响,排名第二,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号41372248,执行时间2014-2017

3. 溶解性有机质对土壤-植物系统中铊的影响及释放机理研究,排名第三,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号41173099,执行时间2012-2015

4. 微生物作用对土壤多溴联苯醚环境归趋的影响研究,排名第三,国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号40901250,执行时间2010-2013

5. 基于分子印迹微流CE系统的空气羰基污染物分析的研究,排名第三,国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号21107018,执行时间2012-2014

6. 基于离子印迹与识别的重金属离子荧光光纤传感器的研究,排名第四,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号21477026,执行时间2015-2018

7. 海洋硅藻高效固碳的酶促协同机制研究,排名第三,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号41376156,执行时间2014-2017

8. 海洋浮游硅藻碳酸酐酶的环境调控机制,排名第四,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号40976078,执行时间2010-2012

9. 南方典型高铊(Tl)异常土壤中铊在降雨条件下迁移释放过程与机制,排名第二,国家自然科学基金青年项目,批准号41807463,执行时间2019-2021

10. 土壤中矿物与微生物相互作用对喹啉类化合物转化影响及机理研究,排名第三,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号41877464,执行时间2019-2022

11. 光子晶体-离子印迹共价有机骨架材料在放射性核素等重金属富集分离和检测中的应用研究,排名第五,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号21876033,执行时间2019-2022

12. 生物炭及其改性材料土壤钝化的胶体态重金属迁移机制与环境风险,排名第二,广东省自然科学基金,执行时间2022-2024

13. 高灰分生物炭对六价铬的还原作用及其机理研究,排名第二,广东省自然科学基金,执行时间2019-2022

14. 大气PM2.5中羰基化合物的分子识别及微流控芯片监测系统研究,排名第三,广东省自然科学基金,执行时间2015-2018

15. 重金属MnZn对曲霉菌抗氧化防御系统的作用机制,排名第四,广东省自然科学基金,执行时间2013-2015

16. 海洋浮游硅藻酸酐酶与Rubisco的协同效应,排名第四,广东省自然科学基金,执行时间2012-2014

17. 溴代阻燃剂在水体多介质界面的迁移机制研究,排名第四,广东省自然科学基金,执行时间2008-2010

18. Fusarium oxysporum-JCCW负载铁锰氧化物复合体的构筑及协同除铊效能与机制,排名第四,广东省自然科学基金,执行时间2018-2021


1. Huang XX,Li N,Wu Q,Long J,Luo D,Huang X,Li D,Zhao D:Fractional distribution of thallium in paddy soil and its bioavailability to rice.Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2018,148:311-317.

2. Huang XX,Luo D,Chen X,Wei L,Liu Y,Wu Q,Xiao T,Mai X,Liu G,Liu L:Insights into Heavy Metals Leakage in Chelator-Induced Phytoextraction of Pb-and Tl-Contaminated Soil.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019,16(8).

3. Huang XX,Luo D,Zhao D,Li N,Xiao T,Liu J,Wei L,Liu Y,Liu L,Liu G:Distribution,Source and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal(oid)s in Water,Sediments,and Corbicula Fluminea of Xijiang River,China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019,16(10).

4. Huang XX,Li N,Wu QH,Long JY,Luo DG,Zhang P,Yao Y,Huang XW,Li DM,Lu YY et al:Risk assessment and vertical distribution of thallium in paddy soils and uptake in rice plants irrigated with acid mine drainage.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016,23(24):24912-24921.

5. Huang XX,Gao M,Wei CF,Xie DT,Pan GX:Tillage effect on organic carbon in a purple paddy soil.Pedosphere 2006,16(5):660-667.

6. Liu Y,Wei L,Wu Q,Luo D,Xiao T,Wu Q,Huang XX,Liu J,Wang J,Zhang P:Impact of acid mine drainage on groundwater hydrogeochemistry at a pyrite mine(South China):a study using stable isotopes and multivariate statistical analyses.Environmental geochemistry and health 2022.

7. Huang L,Luo Z,Huang XX,Wang Y,Yan J,Liu W,Guo Y,Babu Arulmani SR,Shao M,Zhang H:Applications of biomass-based materials to remove fluoride from wastewater:A review.Chemosphere 2022,301:134679-134679.

8. Liu Y,Wei L,Luo D,Xiao T,Lekhov A,Xie X,Huang XX,Su X:Geochemical distribution and speciation of thallium in groundwater impacted by acid mine drainage(Southern China).Chemosphere 2021,280.

9. Kong D,Du Y,Luo M,Liu G,Su X,Luo D,Huang XX,Wei L,Liu Y,Wu Q:Environmental Effects of Heavy Metals from the E-Waste Dismantling Site,South China.Soil&Sediment Contamination 2021,30(6):714-729.

10. Du Y,Wu Q,Kong D,Shi Y,Huang XX,Luo D,Chen Z,Xiao T,Leung JYS:Accumulation and translocation of heavy metals in water hyacinth:Maximising the use of green resources to remediate sites impacted by e-waste recycling activities.Ecological Indicators 2020,115.

11. Liu L,Luo D,Wei L,Liu Y,Huang S,Huang L,Xie Z,Xiao T,Huang XX,Wu Q:Effects of metal stabilizers on soil hydraulic characteristics and mobility of cadmium.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020,27(27):33712-33722.

12. Liu L,Luo D,Yao G,Huang XX,Wei L,Liu Y,Wu Q,Mai X,Liu G,Xiao T:Comparative Activation Process of Pb,Cd and Tl Using Chelating Agents from Contaminated Red Soils.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020,17(2).

13. Mai X,Luo D,Wei L,Liu Y,Huang XX,Wu Q,Yao G,Liu G,Liu L:Evaluation method for the measuring comprehensive suitability of chelating agents:a study of the temporal dynamics of heavy metal activation.International Journal of Phytoremediation 2019,21(14):1415-1422.

14. Fei YH,Zhao D,Liu Y,Zhang W,Tang Y,Huang XX,Wu Q,Wang Y,Xiao T,Liu C:Feasibility of sewage sludge derived hydrochars for agricultural application:Nutrients(N,P,K)and potentially toxic elements(Zn,Cu,Pb,Ni,Cd).Chemosphere 2019,236.

15. Wei L,Cai M,Du Y,Tang J,Wu Q,Xiao T,Luo D,Huang XX,Liu Y,Fei Y et al:Spatial Attenuation of Mining/Smelting-Derived Metal Pollution in Sediments From Tributaries of the Upper Han River,China.Mine Water and the Environment 2019,38(2):410-420.

16. Li HS,Chen YH,Long JY,Li XW,Jiang DQ,Zhang P,Qi JY,Huang XX,Liu J,Xu RB et al:Removal of thallium from aqueous solutions using Fe-Mn binary oxides.Journal of hazardous materials 2017,338:296-305.

17. Lu Y,Luo D,Liu L,Tan Z,Lai A,Liu G,Li J,Long J,Huang XX,Chen Y:Leaching variations of heavy metals in chelator-assisted phytoextraction by Zea mays L.exposed to acid rainfall.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017,24(31):24409-24418.

18. Sun H,Lai JP,Lin DS,Huang XX,Zuo Y,Lia YL:A novel fluorescent multi-functional monomer for preparation of silver ion-imprinted fluorescent on-off chemosensor.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2016,224:485-491.

19. Wu Q,Leung JYS,Geng X,Chen S,Huang XX,Li H,Huang Z,Zhu L,Chen J,Lu Y:Heavy metal contamination of soil and water in the vicinity of an abandoned e-waste recycling site:Implications for dissemination of heavy metals.Science of the Total Environment 2015,506:217-225.

20. Wu Q,Leung JYS,Huang XX,Yao B,Yuan X,Ma J,Guo S:Evaluation of the ability of black nightshade Solanum nigrum L.for phytoremediation of thallium-contaminated soil.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015,22(15):11478-11487.

21. Wu Q,Leung JYS,Lafuente Perez A,Huang XX,Wang W:Contamination and vertical distribution of As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Pb,Tl,and Zn in paddy soil irrigated with untreated leachate from tailings retention ponds.Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 2015,97(6):710-722.

22. Wu Q,Leung JYS,Yuan X,Huang XX,Li H,Huang Z,Li Y:Biological risk,source and pollution history of organochlorine pesticides(OCPs)in the sediment in Nansha mangrove,South China.Marine Pollution Bulletin 2015,96(1-2):57-64.

23. Wu Q,Tam NFY,Leung JYS,Zhou X,Fu J,Yao B,Huang XX,Xia L:Ecological risk and pollution history of heavy metals in Nansha mangrove,South China.Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2014,104:143-151.



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