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200858月,英国帝国理工学院地质系(Imperial College London)高级研究学者


任《地球与环境》副主编、Frontiers in Soil Processes副主编、国际医学地质学会(International Medical Geology Association)中国-爱尔兰联盟(China-Ireland Concord)联合主席。





1. 富碘贫氟红壤区碘、氟生物地球化学分散富集机制及健康效应(国家基金面上项目,54万,423730692024-2027

2. 地质高背景区铊的表生迁移富集机理与环境影响效应研究(国家基金重点项目,300万,41830753,2019-2023)

3. 喀斯特地区重金属污染过程与防控机制研究(国家基金委-贵州喀斯特科学研究中心项目课题,490万,U1612442,2017-2021)

4. 典型富铊风化壳中铊同位素分馏研究(国家基金面上项目,72万,416731382017-2020

5. 河流沉积物中铊的形态与同位素组成特征研究(国家基金面上项目,95万,414731242015-2018

6. 表生富铊环境中铊同位素分馏特征及过程示踪(国家基金面上项目,76万,411730282012-2015

7. 三峡库区高镉地质背景区镉表生地球化学过程与富集机制(国家基金面上项目,46万,409730822010-2012

8. 甘蓝超富集铊的机理研究(国家基金面上项目,407730722008-2010

9. 铊矿化带铊的表生超常富集及环境影响研究(国家基金青年项目,28万,402030102003-2005

10. 西南低温热液金属矿集区特色有害元素的表生地球化学过程及人体健康安全调控(973课题,2009CB4263072010-2011

11. 燃煤型地方病区有害元素地球化学行为与污染控制(973课题,2014CB2389032014-2018

12. 西南喀斯特地区矿山环境重金属复合污染的生物地球化学与生物修复研究(中国科学院知识创新工程重点项目,kzcx2-yw-1352009-2011

13. 珠江重金属污染风险预警及处理技术研究(水利部公益项目课题,2015-2017

14. 含铊有色金属采冶行业铊污染特征与污染风险管控研究(环保部公益项目课题,2015-2017

15. 硫化物矿山废渣和酸性废水生态修复治理技术与应用示范(国家外国专家局高端外国专家项目,GDW201252002072012

16. 独山东峰锑矿区锑污染修复治理示范(贵州省重金属污染治理专项,2012-2014

17. 贵州省夜郎湖上游铅锌矿开采水环境风险研究(地方政府委托项目,2009-2010

18. 有色金属矿山废弃物堆场生态修复技术研究与示范(国家科技支撑项目2006BAC09B04子课题,2007-2010)

19. 茅台酒原产地地质地球化学研究(贵州茅台酒科技联合基金,70022008-2012)

20. 典型金属矿山废弃地环境污染与生态修复研究(中国科学院西部之光项目,2007-2009

21. 三峡库区重庆市巫山县建坪地方病地质背景调查与评价(重庆地勘局攻关项目,2006-2007

22. 铊的稳定性同位素(205Tl/203Tl)及其环境示踪研究(贵州省国际科技合作重点项目计划,7001242009-2010





1. Rasool A, Xiao TF*. Distribution and potential ecological risk assessment of trace elements in the stream water and sediments from Lanmuchang area, southwest Guizhou, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019, 26: 3706-3722.

2. Wang NN, Qiu YY, Xiao TF*, Wang JQ, Chen YX, Xu XJ, Kang ZC, Fan LL, Yu HW. Comparative studies on Pb(II) biosorption with three spongy microbe-based biosorbents: High performance, selectivity and application. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 373: 39-49.

3. Li Q, Becker T, Zhang RY, Xiao TF*, Sand W*. Investigation on adhesion of Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans via atomic force microscopy equipped with mineral probes. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2019, 173: 639-646.

4. Xiao QX, Rasool A, Xiao TF*, Baveye PC. A modified method of separating Tl(I) and Tl(III) in aqueous samples using solid phase extraction. Chemistry Central Journal 2018, 12: 132; DOI:10.1186/s13065-018-0502-6.

5. Rasool A, Xiao TF*. Response of microbial communities to elevated thallium contamination in river sediments. Geomicrobiology Journal 2018, 35: 854-868.

6. Rasool A, Farooqi A, Xiao TF*, Ali W, Noor S, Abiola O, Ali S, Nasim W. A review of global outlook on fluoride contamination in groundwater with prominence on the Pakistan current situation. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2018, 40: 1265-1281.

7. Jia YL, Xiao TF*, Sun Jl, Yang F, Baveye PC. Microcolumn-based speciation analysis of thallium in soil and green cabbage. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 630: 146-153.

8. Lu FH, Xiao TF*, Lin J, LI AJ, Long Q, Huang F, Xiao LH, LI X, Wang JW, Xiao QX, Chen HY. Recovery of gallium from Bayer red mud through acidic-leaching-ion exchange process under normal atmospheric pressure. Hydrometallury 2018, 175: 124-132.

9. Lu FH, Xiao TF*, Lin J, Ning ZP, Long Q, Xiao LH, Huang F, Wang WK, Xiao QX, Lan XL, Chen HY. Resources and extraction of gallium: A review. Hydrometallury 2017, 174: 105-115.

10. Xiong Y, Xiao TF*, Liu YZ, Zhu JM, Xiao JX. Occurrence and mobility of toxic elements in coals from endemic fluorosis areas in the Three Gorges Region, SW China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2017, 144: 1–10.

11. Sun WM, Xiao EZ, Xiao TF*, Krumins V, Wang Q, Haggblom M, Dong YR, Tang S, Hu M, Li BQ, Xia BQ, Liu W. Response of Soil Microbial Communities to Elevated Antimony and Arsenic Contamination Indicates the Relationship between the Innate Microbiota and Contaminant Fractions. Environmental Science and Technology 2017;51: 9165–9175.

12.   Xiao EZ, Krumins V, Xiao TF*, Dong YR, Tang S, Ning ZP, Huang ZY, Sun WM. Depth-resolved microbial community analyses in two contrasting soil cores contaminated by antimony and arsenic. Environmental Pollution 2017, 221: 244-255.

13.   Liu YZ, Xiao TF*, Perkins RB, Zhu JM, Zhu ZJ, Xiong Y, Ning ZP. Geogenic cadmium pollution and potential health risks, with emphasis on black shale. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2017; 176:42-49

14.     Xiao EZ, Krumins V, Tang S, Xiao TF*, Ning ZP, Lan XL, Sun WM. Correlating microbial community profiles with geochemical conditions in a watershed heavily contaminated by an antimony tailing pond. Environmental Pollution 2016;215: 141-153.

15.     Xiao EZ, Krumins V, Dong YR, Xiao TF*, Ning ZP, Xiao QX, Sun WM. Microbial diversity and community structure in an antimony-rich tailings dump. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2016, 100: 7751-7763.

16.     Sun WM, Xiao EZ, Kalin M, Krumins V, Dong YR, Ning ZP, Liu T, Sun M, Zhao YL, Wu SL, Mao JZ, Xiao TF*. Remediation of antimony-rich mine waters: Assessment of antimony removal and shifts in the microbial community of an onsite field-scale bioreactor. Environmental Pollution 2016;215:213-222.

17.     Sun WM, Xiao EZ, Dong YR, Tang S, Krumins V, Ning ZP, Sun M, Zhao YL, Wu SL, Xiao TF*. Profiling microbial community in a watershed heavily contaminated by an active antimony (Sb) mine in Southwest China. Science of Total Environment 2016; 50:297-308.

18.     Sun WM, Xiao EZ, Krumins V, Dong YR, Xiao TF*, Ning ZP, Chen HY, Xiao QX. Characterization of the microbial community composition and the distribution of Fe-metabolizing bacteria in a creek contaminated by acid mine drainage. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 2016, 100:8523-8535.

19.     Ning ZP, Xiao TF*, Xiao EZ. Antimony in the soil-plant system in an Sb mining/smelting area of southwest China. International Journal of Phytoremediation 2015;17: 1081–1089.

20.     Ning ZP, He LB, Xiao TF*, Marton L. High Accumulation and Subcellular Distribution of Thallium in Green Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Capitata L.). International Journal of Phytoremediation 2015;17: 1097–1104.

21.     Sun W, Xiao TF*, Sun M, Dong Y, Ning Z, Xiao E, Tang S, Li J. Diversity of the sediment microbial community in the Aha watershed (southwest China) in response to acid mine drainage pollution gradients. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2015;81: 4874–4884.

22.     Sun JL, Zou X, Xiao TF*, Jia YL, Ning ZP, Sun M, Liu YZ, Jiang T. Biosorption and bioaccumulation of thallium by thallium-tolerant fungal isolates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015;22: 16742–16748.

23.     Lin WJ, Xiao TF*, Zhou WC, Ning ZP. Pb, Zn, and Cd distribution and migration at a historical zinc smelting site. Polish Journal of Environmental Study 2015;24(2): 575–583.

24.     Liu YZ, Xiao TF*, Philippe CB, Zhu JM, Ning ZP, Li HJ. Potential health risk in areas with high naturally-occurring cadmium background in southwestern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2015;112: 122–131.

25.     Sun M, Xiao TF*, Ning ZP, Xiao EZ, Sun WM. Microbial community analysis in rice paddy soils irrigated by acid mine drainage contaminated water. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2015;99: 2911–2922.

26.     Kersten M, Xiao TF, Kreissig K, Brett A, Coles BJ, Rehkamper M. Tracing Anthropogenic Thallium in Soil Using Stable Isotope Compositions. Environmental Science and Technology 2014;48: 9030–9036.

27.     Liu YZ, Xiao TF*, Ning ZP, Li HJ, Tang J, Zhou GZ. High cadmium in soil in the Three Gorges region: Geogenic source and bioavailability. Applied Geochemistry 2013;37: 149–156.

28.     Jia YL, Xiao TF*, Zhou GZ, Ning ZP. Thallium at the interface of soil and green cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.): Soil–plant transfer and influencing factors. Science of Total Environment 2013;450-451: 140–147.

29.     Sun JL, Zou X, Ning ZP, Sun M, Peng JQ, Xiao TF*. Culturable microbial groups and thallium-tolerant fungi in soils with high thallium contamination. Science of The Total Environment 2012;441: 258–264.

30.     Xiao TF*, Yang F, Li SH, Zheng BS, Ning ZP. Thallium pollution in China: a geo-environmental perspective. Science of the Total Environment 2012;421-422: 51–58.

31.     Li SH, Xiao TF*, Zheng BS*. Medical geology of arsenic, selenium and thallium in China. Science of the Total Environment 2012;421-422: 31–40.

32.     Lin WJ, Xiao TF*, Wu YY, Ao ZQ, Ning ZP. Hyperaccumulation of zinc by Corydalis davidii in Zn-polluted soil1s. Chemosphere 2012;86: 837–842.

33.     Tang J, Xiao TF*, Wang SJ, Lei JL Zhang MZ, Gong YY, Li HJ, Ning ZP, He LB. High cadmium concentrations in areas with endemic fluorosis: A serious hidden toxin? Chemosphere 2009, 76: 300–305.

34.     Xiao TF*, Tang J, Lei JL, Yang F. Health risk of Cadmium: A hidden health killer in areas of coal combustion related fluorosis? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2008, 72(12, Suppl. 1): A1042–A1042.

35.     Xiao TF*, Guha J, Liu CQ, Zheng BS, Wilson G, Ning ZP, He LB. Potential health risk in areas of high natural concentrations of thallium and importance of urine screening. Applied Geochemistry 2007, 22: 919–929.

36.     Xiao TF*, He LB, Guha J, Li J, Chen JA. Environmental exposure of thallium and potential health risk in areas of high natural concentrations of thallium: southwest Guizhou, China. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 2005, 84: 16–25.

37.     Xiao TF*, Guha J, Boyle D. High thallium content in rocks associated with Au–As–Hg–Tl and coal mineralization and its adverse environmental potential in SW Guizhou, China. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 2004, 4(3): 243–252.

38.     Xiao TF*, Guha J, Boyle D, Liu CQ, Chen JA. Environmental concerns related to high Tl levels in soils and Tl uptake by plants in southwest Guizhou, China. The Science of the Total Environment 2004, 318: 223–244.

39.     Xiao TF*, Guha J, Boyle D, Liu CQ, Zheng BS, Wilson GC, Rouleau A, Chen JA. Naturally occurring thallium: a hidden geo-environmental health-hazard?. Environment International 2004, 30: 501–507.

40.     Xiao TF*, Boyle D, Guha J, Rouleau A, Hong YT, Zheng BS. Groundwater related thallium transfer processes and their impacts on the ecosystem: southwest Guizhou Province, China. Applied Geochemistry 2003, 18: 675–691.

41.     Xiao TF*, Boyle D, Guha J, Hong YT, Zheng BS. Hydrogeochemistry of toxic metals in a Au-As-Hg-Tl mineralized area in Southwest Guizhou Province, China. Chinese Sciences Bulletin 1999, 44(suppl. 2): 171–172



1.    郑宝山, 肖唐付, 李社红等译. 医学地质学:自然环境对公共健康的影响(Essentials of Medical Geology: Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health), 科学出版社, 2009 708pp.

2.    Liu CQ, Zhao ZH, Xiao TF, Guha J. Strategic Management of Environmental and Socio-economic Issues: a handbook. Guiyang: Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, 2003, 145pp.


1.   珠江流域铊表生生物地球化学与环境效应研究(贵州省科技进步奖二等奖,2017,排名第一)

2.   喀斯特(乌江)流域-湖泊物质的水文地球化学循环及其生态环境效应(贵州省科技进步奖一等奖,2004,排名第五)




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